Promo Post and Giveaway: Spilling Blood by L. Penn

 Release date: Deceber 21, 2014
Subgenre: Crime thriller, Revenge

About Spilling Blood:


When schoolgirl Toni Simms is horrifically betrayed by her boyfriend David Hilton, she enters a world of bloody revenge.
As her best friend Rebecca Hayes comes under attack, they decide to take the law in to their own hands with events leaving a trail of untold plight.
Left physically and mentally broken, each girl discovers emotions and thoughts they would not have believed possible, rearing unbridled acts of attrition as secrets are revealed surrounding family and school life.
Toni and Rebecca cross boundaries no teenagers should cross, and walk a path only they understand, even accepting their lives, will never be the same again.



There chafed an unwelcome sound.

   Rebecca, sage, closed the front door and stopped breathing.

   The silence complete she was able to hear the beat of her heart. Whirling round, she placed a finger to her mouth instructing Toni’s quiesce then started to breathe again.

   The sound,

   It was familiar.

   That sound,

   It was crying.

   In unison each girl dropped their satchels as they made way toward the weeping fearing what they would find. Rebecca’s Mother cut and bloodied, slumped and naked, the room a mess; thankfully no. Canny, the younger girl pushed open the living-room door and to her relief saw a tidy space with her Mother fully-clothed laying on the settee sobbing pitifully. Rebecca feared the worse.

   Rushing to tend, the youngster made a cautious lift of her elder’s head before releasing a succour breath. Pleased to find the only injury her Mother displayed was a contorted expression submerged in tears, there was immediate concern from Toni standing warily by the door. “Is he still here?”

   Karen shook her head no but the younger child was beside herself, “Mum, what did he do to you?”

   “Becky,” Toni fraught, “should I get something?”

   “What?” not really hearing.

   “Should I get anything, make some tea or something?”

   Glancing back Rebecca nodded yes then reconnected her Mother’s crying eyes as she heard Toni flit about the kitchen. Karen slowly sat up uncurling her legs. The young Hayes gripped by a rush of empathy placed an emboldened hand in her Parent’s lap.

   “Mum, please tell me you’re alright?”

   Slight, Karen shook her head yes, she was alright.

   “Are you hurt anywhere?”

   After high-played sufferings, Rebecca’s experience knew to ask this question and Karen responded with a barely audible, No. The child knew then her Mother hurt something terrible. It did not have to be physical for the youngster to see scarring as the mental grinding of her Mother’s personality told itself in Karen’s fatigued moral.

   “Mum, what is it?”

   Earthen whimpering flowed as the teenager reached for a box of tissues on the coffee-table to hand over.

   “Mum, talk to me, please?”

   Karen sucked in air and blew her nose. Teary eyes looked upward, and downward, then a voice, final; “I can’t…” despaired, “I can’t take this anymore…” weak, “I can’t handle it…” fading.

   Rebecca shipped to say but the Mother stopped her with a diluted lean forward and pulled her jumper off her shoulder to expose trauma the daughter long presumed existed. The tale covered Karen’s shoulder: Cuts, bruises, and welts, and what appeared to be bite marks. With a tremble, the Mother re-sheathed herself.

   A suited gasp; “What has he been doing to you?”


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L. Penn offers mobi copies of Spilling Blood to the first 12 people who e-mail her.


About L. Penn:

Under the author name L. Penn, Cass Ben writes fiction and non-fiction books. Born in Leicestershire, UK, during the 60’s, her works have raised eyebrows of literary peers. With a diverse background witnessing many social ills from her era, L. put pen to paper to memorialise certain events hence the, “raw and grit” of her stories, says author, Amy Shannon.

A London Film Festival claimed Spilling Blood would be banned if made in to a film and Studio Canal said it is a “powerful and moving story”. At a time when Eamonn Walker (star of TV’s Chicago Fire) found this author’s style compelling, L. disappeared from sight to resurface years later.

With her fourth book under way tackling love, crime, race and hate, L. continues to let her non-conforming characters tell their stories.

After awarded writing commendations at Secondary School to having a proposed ban slapped on Spilling Blood, L. regularly contributes her True Crime book reviews at Goodreads whilst penning her own boundary pushing dramas as she discovered with takers of her second novel, Missing Him.

As someone who doesn’t tread lightly though on occasion swings the odd sledge-hammer, her trade background’s in construction & tutoring, so as one brick is laid on top the other, her characters build, piece by piece.

Working with your hands helps you move around to complete a structure; and with that one in the bag, you apply yourself to the next.

L. currently resides in London and concentrates on health and well-being.


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